SWITCH Function Explained

The SWITCH function in Microsoft Excel is used to evaluate a list of expressions and return a corresponding value for the first expression that is TRUE. It takes up to 126 pairs of expression and result arguments, and an optional default argument. The expression arguments are evaluated from left to right, and if an expression is TRUE, its corresponding result argument is returned. If none of the expressions are TRUE, the default argument is returned, or an error is returned if the default argument is omitted.

SWITCH Function Syntax

SWITCH(expression, value1, result1, [default or value2, result2], ...)

  • expression: The value to be tested against the list of values.
  • value1: The first value to test against expression.
  • result1: The value to return if expression matches value1.
  • default or value2: The second value to test against expression.
  • result2: The value to return if expression matches value2.