QUARTILE Function Explained

The QUARTILE function in Microsoft Excel returns the quartile of a given set of data. Quartiles divide a set of values into four equal parts. The function takes two arguments: an array of values and a quartile number (1, 2, 3, or 4). The first quartile (1) is the lower quartile, the second quartile (2) is the median, the third quartile (3) is the upper quartile, and the fourth quartile (4) is the maximum value.

QUARTILE Function Syntax

QUARTILE(array, quart)

  • array: The array or range of data to consider.
  • quart: A number specifying which quartile value to return. 1 = first quartile (lower quartile) value; 2 = second quartile (median) value; 3 = third quartile (upper quartile) value; 4 = fourth quartile value.