INFO Function Explained

The INFO function in Microsoft Excel returns information about the current operating environment. It takes one argument, type_text, which is a text value that specifies the type of information to be returned. The function can return information such as the current filename, the current directory, the number of sheets in the active workbook, the color palette, and the system date.

INFO Function Syntax


  • type_text: A text value that specifies the type of information you want returned. The following are the valid values:
    • directory: Returns the path of the current directory.
    • numfile: Returns the number of open files.
    • origin: Returns the coordinate of the upper-left corner of the active cell.
    • osversion: Returns the version of the operating system.
    • recalc: Returns the recalculation mode of the workbook.
    • release: Returns the version of Microsoft Excel.
    • system: Returns the operating system.