How to Start a New Line Within a Cell in Excel

This article explains how to insert a new line within a cell in Excel. Sometimes, you may want to break up the text in a cell into multiple lines for better readability or formatting. For example, you may want to enter an address or a list of items in a single cell, but with each part on a separate line. To do this, you need to use a special keyboard shortcut or a function.

To insert a new line within a cell in Excel, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell where you want to enter the text with multiple lines.
  2. Type the first part of your text and then press Alt+Enter on your keyboard. This will create a new line within the same cell.
  3. Type the next part of your text and press Alt+Enter again if you want to create another new line. Repeat this until you have entered all the parts of your text.
  4. Press Enter to finish editing the cell. You will see that your text is displayed on multiple lines within the same cell.
  5. You can also use the CHAR function to insert a new line within a cell in Excel. To do this, type = followed by the text that you want to enter, and use & to concatenate it with CHAR(10), which is the code for a new line character. For example, if you want to enter an address in a single cell, you can type = “123 Main Street” & CHAR(10) & “New York, NY 10001” and press Enter. This will give you the same result as using Alt+Enter.

This is how you can insert a new line within a cell in Excel. This can help you to organize and format your text better in your worksheet. However, you should be aware that inserting a new line within a cell may affect the alignment and appearance of your other cells and data.