The CUBERANKEDMEMBER Function in Microsoft Excel returns the rank of a given member in a cube hierarchy. It takes three arguments: Cube_Name, Hierarchy_Unique_Name, and Member_Name. The Cube_Name argument is the name of the cube to be used, the Hierarchy_Unique_Name argument is the unique name of the hierarchy within the cube, and the Member_Name argument is the name of the member whose rank is to be returned. The function returns the rank of the specified member in the specified hierarchy.



  • cube_name: The name of the cube to query.
  • set: The set of members to rank.
  • expression: The expression to rank the members by.
  • n: (Optional) The rank of the member to return. If omitted, the default is 1.
  • ascending: (Optional) A logical value that specifies whether the rank is in ascending or descending order. If omitted, the default is TRUE (ascending).