BETAINV Function Explained

The BETAINV Function in Microsoft Excel calculates the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for a specified beta distribution. It returns the value of the inverse distribution for a given probability. It takes four arguments: probability, alpha, beta, and A. Probability is the probability associated with the beta distribution. Alpha and beta are the shape parameters of the beta distribution. A is an optional argument that specifies the lower bound of the distribution.

BETAINV Function Syntax

BETAINV(probability, alpha, beta, A, B)

  • probability: The probability associated with the two-tailed beta distribution.
  • alpha: The alpha parameter of the two-tailed beta distribution.
  • beta: The beta parameter of the two-tailed beta distribution.
  • A: The lower bound of the interval for which you want a probability.
  • B: The upper bound of the interval for which you want a probability.