AVERAGEIF Function Explained

The AVERAGEIF Function in Microsoft Excel calculates the average of all cells in a range that meet a given criteria. It takes three arguments: range, criteria, and [average_range]. The range argument is the range of cells to be evaluated. The criteria argument is the criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that defines which cells will be averaged. The optional average_range argument is the range of cells to average. If omitted, the range argument is used.

AVERAGEIF Function Syntax

AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range])

  • range: The range of cells to be evaluated by the criteria.
  • criteria: The criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that defines which cells will be averaged.
  • average_range: (optional) The actual cells to average. If omitted, range is used.