AGGREGATE Function Explained

The AGGREGATE function in Microsoft Excel is used to apply functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, and MIN to a range of cells, and ignore hidden rows, error values, and nested subtotals. It takes up to two arguments: a function number (1-19) and an optional option number (0-7). It returns the result of the function applied to the range of cells.

AGGREGATE Function Syntax

AGGREGATE(function_num, options, ref1, [ref2], …)

  • function_num: A number 1-19 that specifies which function to use for the aggregate calculation.
  • options: A number that specifies which calculation options to use. The options are 0-7.
  • ref1: The first range or array argument whose values are used in the aggregate calculation.
  • ref2: (Optional) Additional ranges or array arguments whose values are used in the aggregate calculation.