ACCRINT Function Explained

The ACCRINT Function in Microsoft Excel calculates the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest. It takes the following arguments: issue, first_interest, settlement, rate, par, frequency, basis, calc_method. It returns the amount of interest accrued between the settlement date and the first_interest date.

ACCRINT Function Syntax

ACCRINT(issue, first_interest, settlement, rate, par, frequency, [basis], [calc_method])

  • issue: The issue date of the security.
  • first_interest: The date of the first interest payment.
  • settlement: The date of the security’s settlement.
  • rate: The security’s annual coupon rate.
  • par: The security’s par value.
  • frequency: The number of coupon payments per year.
  • basis: (Optional) The type of day count basis to use. The default is 0 (US (NASD) 30/360).
  • calc_method: (Optional) A logical value that specifies the calculation method to use. The default is FALSE (calculate the actual number of days in the coupon period).